SUPERFOODS: The Food and Medicine of the Future By David Wolf

HEALTHY AT 100: Scientifically Proven Secrets of the Worlds Healthiest and Long-lived Peoples By John Robbins
February 15, 2018
HEALTHY AT 100: Scientifically Proven Secrets of the Worlds Healthiest and Long-lived Peoples By John Robbins
February 15, 2018
David Wolf is a world-renowned expert in diet and wellbeing…

This book contains a ton of good information and background that will help you filter through the “superfoods” craze.
Wolf’s general commentary is that superfoods should be consumed raw. Decades of research have demonstrated that living, organic raw food is superior in vitamin content, enzymes, coenzymes, protein, minerals, and many other elements of nutrition. Superfoods work to “pre-load” the immune system with the raw materials necessary to maintain a healthy immune system.
But Superfoods go well beyond just building a healthy immune system, as Wolf says:
“When you bring superfoods into your body, your energy changes, and as a result, your focus of attention will shift as well. It is likely that you will reassess your values. You may see the world with more energy behind your eyes: with that added boost it becomes easier to love in a state of appreciation.”
Wolf’s top ten superfoods are:
  • Goji Berries
  • Raw Cacao
  • Maca
  • Bee Products (Bee pollen / Royal jelly – (my fav) / Propolis )
  • Spirulina (also my fav)
  • AFA Blue-green algae
  • Marine Phytoplankton
  • Aloe Vera
  • Hempstead
  • Coconuts
Honorable Mentions:
  • Açai
  • Camu Camu
  • Chlorella
  • Kelp
  • Noni
  • Yacon
Wolf LOVES GOJI BERRIERS- his deep dive is below:
Originated in Ningxia Providence in China,  and where there are more centenarians than anywhere in China. The Chinese hold a strong belief that this fruit can significantly extend life.
For over at least the last 2,500 years, Goji berries are also grown in Tibet. Only the goji berries packed under the Tibet Authentic are actually grown in Tibet. Other advertised “Tibetan” goji berries are grown in Mongolia or China. Some think Tibetan berries are superior, yet there is no hard evidence.
Goji berries were also an important food source for nearly all Native American tribes in the southwest including the Hopi, Apache, Navajo, Zuni, and many others.
Goji berries are “adaptogens” as such invigorate and strengthen the immune system while helping the body to deal more easily worth stress by supporting the adrenal glands. In Chinese medicine, goji berries are known to harmonize and increase Jing energy of the adrenals and Kidneys, resulting in enhanced stamina, strength, longevity, and sex drive.
They are a complete set of proteins, containing 19 different amino acids (on par with bee pollen) and all eight essential amino acids (such as adrenal-supporting phenylalanine and serotonin building tryptophan). They contain 21 or more trace minerals (zinc, iron, copper, calcium, germanium, selenium, and phosphorus) as well as vit B1, B2, B6, and vit E.
Contrary to many internet marketing claims, the dried goji berry is not a rich source of Vit C.
They are some of the highest antioxidant-containing foods in the world. They typically contain two to four times the amount of antioxidants found in blueberries.
Goji berries are the only food known to stimulate the human body to produce human growth hormone (HGH) naturally. This factor alone makes the goji berry perhaps one of the world’s greatest anti-aging food. They have high levels of sesquiterpenoids, which have anti-inflammatory properties. They stimulate the pituitary and pineal glands this increasing the glandular production of HGH. Additionally, the presence of l-glutamine and l-arginine may also promote the production of HGH.
Goji berries are also known to be a strong sexual tonic.
Eyesight: contains the highest concentration of eyesight improving antioxidant zeaxanthin. Zeaxanthin helps heal the membranes of our eyes and also gives them luster and youthfulness.
Goji berries also help our bodies produce choline, an essential nutrient that combats free radical damage linked to neurological degeneration and Alzheimer’s disease.
While not mentioned by Wolf, and clearly not marketed by sellers of Goji Berries, but they are nightshades. So if you are allergic or sensitive to nightshades this is an important point to keep in mind.
Nightshades contain solanine which can aggravate inflammation in the bones and joints of many. It doesn’t appear that heat lessens the impact of solanine, but would like to do more research here to see if goji berry tea steeped in VERY hot water would reduce the negative impacts of solanine.
Goji berry tea has been used in Asia for the treatment of diabetes and to help regulate high blood pressure. And is also used for IBS, ulcers, and other digestive issues.
How to buy Gojis:
  • Buy organic, “wild-crafted” does not count as they are sprayed with chemical pesticides.
  • Select moist berries, but not overly moist as they may be soaked in sugar water, then re-dried
  • Size does not matter; no correlation between size and quality of the berry
  • Select berries that have a rich red color, but not unusually so
  • Be suspect if sold at a significant discount