List of Useful NYC area Doctors:

Holistic Primary Care MDs 

  • Dr. Salerno. First heard about during an interview with Dave Asprey.  Heavy metal detox specialists, and numerous IV drips (Vit C, Lysine, Curcumin…etc). Also uses ultra-violet (UV-A and UV-B) rays on the bloodstream among many other holistic and mainstream medical services. Great staff in the IV drip room.
  • Dr. Susan Levine. CFS specialist. Not particularly optimistic demeanor, cutting edge or creative in recommendations, but is open-minded and very actively studies the field, including her own primary research. If the fit is right, she will prescribe low-dose naltrexone (LDN), Selegiline (l-deprynyl), and other off-label medication
  • Dr. Steven Park: Sleep Specialist; have not personally been to, but I have read his book, “Sleep Interrupted“. Also, see my section on Breathing for the importance of calming the body before sleep.
  • Dr. David Yourman: Neurofeedback Specialist and Dave Asprey Bullet Proof Coach: Extremely knowledgeable about all matters health related, especially the impact of traumatic stress (including biological on the body and mind)
  • Dr.Howard Robins: Podiatrist turned Ozone specialist. Dr. Robins provides IV ozone and ten-pass ozone treatments to patients in new your.  One of the few if not the only practitioner of ten-pass ozone in the NYC Metro area. I have been going to him for a number of years. Happy to provide you my thoughts.
  • Integrative Medical NY – Dr. Maurice Beer: Extremely comprehensive. Insurance will not likely fully cover. Not particularly advanced or up to date, but has the very basics down. Focused more on day-to-day quality of life so recommended I take Adderall and modafinil but was a little less concerned then I would have hoped about digging into potential remedies for the underlying issues.
  • NYU Langone centercutting-edge center for holistic doctors and an excellent system of on-going tracking between your various doctors.
Useful Websites Focusing on CFS
  • PhoenixRising – The go-to website for up to date information on CFS/ME. Active forums and educated community.
  •  The End ME/CFS Project – Ongoing multiyear, multidisciplinary approach to curing CFS/ME. Substantial funding, modeled after the Human Genome Project, determined to succeed.

Breathing and Meditation

Links to Preferred source of supplements (most of which can be purchased on Amazon) 

  • The Root of the Matter ( Highest-quality Maca, Rhodiola, ginseng, and hoodia to name a few of their great products.
  • Researched  Nutritionals provides high-quality herbs and supplements. Many of the homeopathic doctors and others like Dr. Salerno use their products. However, you do need to be registered with the company as health care providers or patient. However, if you contact me I will give you my patient code.
  • Designs for Health is another great supplement company. High quality, highly recommended and trusted brands.
  • Bulletproof and Kion are also two very high-quality brands, somewhat limited selection, but a growing selection.
  • One of the better selections Colostrum can be found at
  • I am all about savings shelf space! Longevity in a Bottle contains 41 of the “worlds best superfoods, herbs and mushrooms”.